Stable Build: 41.78.16 | IWBUMS Beta: 42.1.1. | Version history | Wiki
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June 19, 2023

COTD #11: Funky Spiffos, Tidy Libraries, and Sunday Drivers...

This time in Community of the Dead, we admire libraries and artwork, get funky with some Spiffos, and wonder just how slow a Sunday Driver really is…


Have you built or seen any cool PZ bases? Found any cool sights in Knox? Let us know via Twitter, or post your screenshot on our forum, the official Discord, Steam, or Reddit!

BreezyAlpaca’s luxurious library…

The_Gamer makes some bloody additions to a classical painting…

Plazma and a few other hungry customers check out the local healthy produce…

Shipko’s secure campsite by the Ohio river…


Have you seen any cool PZ vids? Found any cool streamers we don’t know about? Let us know via our forums, Twitter, the official Discord or Reddit!

AgentCayde uses Angry’s Lifestyle mod to let a quintet of Spiffos get funky…

Carloon takes us on a road trip to show the differences between driving traits…

Coolflames85 tries to survive a modded game with very high zombies and all the positive traits…


Made a cool drawing of your favourite Knox survivor? Written a musical ode to the Dog Goblin? Crafted a Spiffo from metal plates and bits of chewing gum? Let us know via our forums, Twitter, or Reddit!

xXDeathlyVoidXx’s great drawing of their girlfriend’s kick-ass character…

Spicy_Apple’s survivor takes some time out to chill…

Chaningham makes their own Spiffo from clay…


“I don’t believe you.”‘s full size chess game is an incredible “checkmate”, though you may need a rest after moving each piece…

Spiffo would like to thank everyone in the community for their wonderful creations, and remind you to keep in touch with us on our forums, Steam, Discord, Twitter, and Reddit!

Stable Build: 41.78.16 | IWBUMS Beta: 42.1.1. | Version history | Wiki
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