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News & Dev
August 4, 2023


The Indie Stone are pleased to announce another crowd-sourced Spiffo plushie through our friends over at Makeship – this time raising money for a cause that’s dear to all our hearts.

First off, let’s meet the raccoon himself.


They came for him… they still come… but he will NEVER yield.

He is: Steadfast Spiffo.

Spiffo is BACK, with maxed out levels of adorability. With his roomy camping backpack filled with useful survival supplies, sturdy axe, and many utility belts, he’s prepared for anything… and for a limited time, can be added to inventories as YOUR companion in the apocalypse!

Face down the odds. Fight the fight. Survive against the horde – all accompanied by a plushably grizzled hug-raccoon!

Interested in putting down money for Steadfast Spiffo? Then visit the crowdfunding page over on Makeship!

We’ve timed it so (hopefully) orders will be ready to make for amazing Christmas presents.


All money raised by the Indie Stone from Steadfast Spiffo will go to the Queensland Cancer Council, an Australian cancer charity that brought help and solace to a good friend of ours during very difficult times.

Vicki Ann Woods was the partner of Zac Congo, one of the principal architects of the animation system that made Build 41 (and PZ) the success it is today. Even during a long illness, her love and moral support became a part of what the game has now become.

Sometimes (not always, but sometimes) we get people asking how they can further support Project Zomboid. They say that they paid some money long ago, but have so many hours of gameplay that they want to add a little more. We always tell them not to be daft, and just tell some friends or leave a nice review.

Well, for the next 21 days we have a different answer: please buy this Spiffo!

Buying this Spiffo helps support people like Vicki, and like Zac, during their times of greatest need – and to aid research that will help all of us and our families worldwide.

Thank you x

(And here’s that link again if you need it)


BagZ of fun

News & Dev | 27 July 2023


The Connection is Made

News & Dev | 17 August 2023
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