Here’s Spiffo the Community Raccoon’s full run-down on the most asked questions we get about how people can get their hands on Project Zomboid, and where we’re going with it.
Q. When I buy Project Zomboid, what does that get me?
A. Project Zomboid is a game that’s still in development. When you purchase a license you gain access to every build we release, up to and including its completion. We will consider the game complete when we’ve ticked off everything we promised at the very start of our initial alpha-funding campaign.
Q. So where can I get the current build?
A. The latest stable Project Zomboid build will always be the primary Steam or GOG version.
Details on public test builds of upcoming versions and patches, accessible via the ‘unstable’ beta on Steam, can be found in the PZ Updates section of our forum whenever they are available.
Significant beta builds will also be released on GOG, but some incremental patches with faster unstable-to-stable turnarounds often will not.
We also blog every two weeks on a Thursday, which is then reposted on the Steam boards, to let everyone know the latest development news.
Q. If I was an early adopter of PZ and bought it over Google Checkout, Paypal or on the now defunct Desura service – can I still get a free Steam key?
A. Yup, although we now do require some proof of purchase. Email us on with your existing PZ details and receipt, or your Desura purchase email.
Q. Help! I’m having some sort of trouble getting PZ working!
A. We have dedicated support staff ready and willing to soothe your pains. Please post in the Support section of our forum with as much information as you can provide, including the tech specs of your computer and also the Info on any mods you might be running will also be vital.
Q. NPCs? Kate and Baldspot?
A. Please check this blog for general info on where we are at, and keep tabs on our dev blogs!
Q. Do you guys need any help with music, artwork, translation or some other creative endeavour?
A. In general: we’re fine right now. We’ve got a full complement of developers and helpers, but clearly feel free to send over whatever you’d like!
If you’d like to help out then the best way would generally be through our modding community. We do, however, place job advertisements here. These are generally for specialists and people who already have a large degree of expertise in the field of games and software development.
Q. Do you mind if I put playthroughs of Project Zomboid on YouTube, and monetize them?
A. Not at all! YouTube is the lifeblood of our game. Go crazy! You might need to link to this page granting you permission.
Q. I have a suggestion for a really cool features that could go in PZ! Who should I contact?
A. Go to the Suggestions part of our forum, search to find out whether anyone else has ever dreamt it up – and, if not, then dazzle us with a post about your zombie survival know-how.
Q. I’m not sure what I’m doing in Project Zomboid. Is there a manual?
A: Check out the PZ wiki which should help, otherwise you’ll find friendly folks to talk to on both our forum and in the Discord. There are also some great Youtubers who play PZ you can watch for tips – of whom both Mathas and Ambiguous Amphibian are worth a look.
Q. What age rating is Project Zomboid?
A. We currently have no fixed age rating, but would underline that this is a mature game dealing with adult subjects. Parental discretion is certainly advised.