Stable Build: 41.78.16 | IWBUMS Beta: 42.1.1. | Version history | Wiki
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June 13, 2023

CotD #10: AI News, A PZ Short Film, and Baby Raccoons...

This time on Community of the Dead, we look at some well-rendered AI news footage from the Knox Event, a short, PZ-inspired film by a future George Romero, artwork of PZ’s best moodle, and more!


Have you built or seen any cool PZ bases? Found any cool sights in Knox? Let us know via Twitter, or post your screenshot on our forum, the official Discord, Steam, or Reddit!

Palzunn and pals (via Discord)…

Five PZ firemen posing beside a garden gnome

All in a day’s work for 지혁

Sarnowy’s collection is complete…


Have you seen any cool PZ vids? Found any cool streamers we don’t know about? Let us know via our forums, Twitter, the official Discord or Reddit!

John Pugh uses AI video to create an incredible “real life TV” version of the Knox timeline…

Verik’s epic PZ-inspired short film…

Trombonaut takes us through another piece of PZ lore…

Bakstein uses PZ to become Salvador Bra-li…


Made a cool drawing of your favourite Knox survivor? Written a musical ode to the Dog Goblin? Crafted a Spiffo from metal plates and bits of chewing gum? Let us know via our forums, Twitter, or Reddit!

KerzidR imbibed a little too much wine…

Spiffo doodles by Noacredito

Xarveus’s art of one of PZ’s greatest dangers (having to step away from your keyboard for a moment)…


Some little Spiffos!

Spiffo would like to thank everyone in the community for their wonderful creations, and remind you to keep in touch with us on our forums, Steam, Discord, Twitter, and Reddit!

Stable Build: 41.78.16 | IWBUMS Beta: 42.1.1. | Version history | Wiki
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